WAYLAND, MA — On January 16th 2019, A Woman’s View hosted its Annual Networking Reception at The PPAI Expo. This event was designed to recognize and celebrate the industry’s hard-working women. The venue was transformed into a chic cocktail party scene complete with entertainment, cool lighting, wine and hors d’oeuvres. A complimentary gift bag was provided to all attendees.
iPROMOTEu and the A Woman’s View Council were honored to recognize two women for their accomplishments. Kippie Helzel, Senior Vice President of Sales with CPS Keystone, was recognized as the 2018 Supplier Visionary Award recipient. With nearly 30 years of industry experience, in addition to her consistent success at the executive level, Kippie has always been an avid industry volunteer, serving on many committees and boards throughout her career. The long list includes the once popular Promotional Products Mentoring Network, the Leadership Advisory Events Committee, and several regional associations – including President of UMAPP and TRASA. She is a 2-time chair of The Promotional Products Education Foundation, and was named a PPAI Fellow in 2016. Cindy Gibbs of Big Fish Branding, Inc. was also awarded with the 2018 Distributor Visionary Award. With over 20 years of experience, Cindy has become an inspiration to many others in the industry. Cindy has been previously awarded a Pyramid Gold Award and the Tommy Joyce Memorial Award. Please join us in congratulating Kippie Helzel and Cindy Gibbs on their awards!
Candace Plunkett, who runs the A Woman’s View program at iPROMOTEu, stated that they “noticed a unique opportunity to address the needs of women within the promotional products industry. Deciding to host our networking reception at The PPAI Expo, one of the most widely attended events in our industry, was an easy choice.” She added “Our women distributors possess immense ambition as they are ready and willing to do what it takes to grow their businesses. It is an honor to provide the support and resources to assist them in accomplishing their goals.” This is just the begging of events hosted by iPROMOTEu to support all women distributors in the promotional product industry.
The lead sponsors of the event were: ASI; iPROMOTEu; PPAI; and SAGE