Details of the iPROMOTEu Affiliate Referral Program
If you refer to iPROMOTEu a qualified distributor or salesperson who later becomes an iPROMOTEu Affiliate, then you will receive a referral fee equal to 2% of such new Affiliate’s invoiced order volume for the one-year period following the new Affiliate’s affiliation with iPROMOTEu. For example, if you refer an Affiliate with $500,000 in annual sales, then you will receive a $10,000 referral fee (and if you refer ten Affiliates with sales of $500,000 each, then you will receive referral fees totaling $100,000). Referral fees will be paid quarterly on the last business day of the month following the end of each calendar quarter.
There are two scenarios where a referral will be deemed ineligible for participation in the iPROMOTEu Affiliate Referral Program. First, a referred distributor or salesperson with whom iPROMOTEu has had substantive discussions at any time during the prior six months will not be eligible as a referral. Second, a referred distributor or salesperson who does not become an Affiliate within six months of the referral date will not be eligible as a referral.
Profile of a Prospective iPROMOTEu Affiliate
A prospective iPROMOTEu Affiliate should be an experienced promotional products distributor or salesperson with annual sales between $200,000 and $2,000,000 and located anywhere in the United States or Canada (except for the Province of Quebec).
How to Make a Referral
Simply complete the iPROMOTEu Affiliate Referral Form below and submit it electronically to iPROMOTEu. We’ll confirm receipt of the referral and let you know if/when the referral affiliates with iPROMOTEu. You can request a status update regarding any referral by contacting Steve Gardner.
iPROMOTEu Affiliate Referral Card
iPROMOTEu has prepared referral cards you may find convenient to use when meeting prospective Affiliates.
Talking Points for Distributors
Distributors are often stretched too thin with too many tasks and responsibilities. As a result, distributors spend too much of their time not selling. Distributors can spend 50% or more of their time on non-revenue generating activities. iPROMOTEu relieves distributors of these tedious, time-consuming, non-revenue generating activities so they have more time to sell. After all, selling is what they are good at doing, what they want to do, and what will generate revenue for them.
In addition, distributors frequently have difficulty financing the cost of their orders with suppliers. They often struggle accessing credit and managing their cash. iPROMOTEu relieves distributors from this burden (and associated anxiety) by agreeing to finance their orders and taking responsibility for receiving and paying all supplier invoices.
By affiliating with iPROMOTEu, distributors continue to own and operate their business and continue to do so under their own name and identity. Distributors who affiliate with iPROMOTEu:
- DO NOT relinquish ownership of their business or control of their customers
- DO remain in control of their business and maintain their independence.
Talking Points for Salespeople
Be your own boss, do things your way, earn more money. By affiliating with iPROMOTEu, we can help you establish your own distributorship – quickly, easily and inexpensively. This will allow you to run your business as you choose, to earn more money, and to build your business into a valuable asset.
Oftentimes, salespeople are frustrated with the distributors for whom they are working or with their work situation generally. Sometimes they feel their distributor isn’t providing adequate support services. In other instances, salespeople are upset because their distributor doesn’t express appreciation and doesn’t treat them professionally or with respect. At other times, distributors who are struggling financially can have a negative impact on their salespeople. For example, (i) a distributor’s late payments to suppliers can prompt a supplier to put on hold a salesperson’s orders, or (ii) a distributor’s weak cash position can force a distributor to restructure the compensation arrangement with its salespeople.
In addition to a challenging work environment, the amount of money that a salesperson pays its distributor is another reason why a salesperson may want to consider affiliating with iPROMOTEu. A typical salesperson gives up approximately 50% of the gross profit earned on every order. For example, a salesperson on a 50-50 split with its distributor who sells $1,000,000 annually at a 35% gross profit margin will be giving away $175,000 to the distributor. Crazy, right? Well, at iPROMOTEu, a former salesperson who affiliates with iPROMOTEu will earn roughly 50% more than he/she would have earned as a salesperson. In the example above, instead of earning $175,000 as a salesperson, he/she would earn approximately $270,000 (an extra $95,000 or roughly 54%) as an iPROMOTEu Affiliate.
Finally, some people develop an entrepreneurial “bug” and just want to own, operate and build a business for themselves. For all these reasons, iPROMOTEu may be the perfect solution for salespeople.
Frequently Asked Questions
What constitutes a qualified referral?
A qualified referral is an experienced distributor or salesperson with annual sales of at least $200,000 and with whom we have not had substantive discussions within the last six months. Also, the distributor or salesperson referred to us must become an iPROMOTEu Affiliate within six months of the referral date.
How do I know that you received my referral?
You will receive a confirmation email from us confirming receipt of the information you submitted.
How will I know if a referral has become an Affiliate?
You will receive an email from iPROMOTEu indicating that the referral has become an iPROMOTEu Affiliate and specifying the date of affiliation.
Is there any cap to the amount I can earn from referral fees?
The only cap is $10,000 for any one referred Affiliate. There is no cap to the number of distributors or salespeople you can refer, and there is no cap on the total amount of referral fees you can earn.
How can I learn the invoiced order volume of a new Affiliate that I referred?
Just contact iPROMOTEu Affiliate Services at [email protected].
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